
May 9, 2024 | 5pm-8pm

Rebuilding Together North Texas is hosting our fourth annual Topgolf FORE Homes fundraiser!

Thursday, May 9, 2024 5pm - 8pm Swing into action and drive change in your community – your chance to repair homes, rejuvenate neighborhoods, and transform lives one hammer swing at a time! Gear up for a night of teamwork and triumph with 6-player games, a feast of dinner and drinks, and an array of thrilling entertainment. Don't miss out on making a meaningful impact while enjoying an unforgettable evening!

Not a fan of the game? Grab a Caddy Shack Pass for general entry and enjoy the party!

Players and Teams



Title Sponsor

Dinner Sponsor

Drink Sponsor

8787 Park Lane
Dallas, TX 75231

Thursday, May 9, 2024
5pm - 8pm



For more info or questions, please email